Thousands of People Already Signed a Patition to Obama Administration Urging the Government to Reveal Hidden Information on Extraterrestrials & UFOs

The concern regarding the existence of aliens or extraterrestrials as well as the presence of UFOs has now reached in the office of the U.S. President waiting for an answer.

Over 7,500 people have signed a petition requesting the U.S. government to officially admit an extraterrestrial existence joining mankind and right away disclose into the public domain all documents from all agencies and military services related to this event.

It is a push that UFO & alien conspiracy theorists and real believers hope will give certain authenticity to their purpose.

As long as the petition receives 17,000 more signatures by Oct. 22, the U.S. government has assured to answer. 

An Obama Administration effort known as 'We the People' will get White House staffers to study and give some thought into taking action on any concern that gets at least 25,000 online signatures.
The limit was formerly just 5,000 signatures, a quantity that the UFO petition attained in four days, however the government raised that quantity on Monday.

The petition was made by Stephen Bassett, who has been lobbying the government on UFOs and extraterrestrials concerns for one and a half decades.

He said the number of thousand signatures he has gathered so far will suggest quite small.
He said it is easy to get at least 5,000 signatures but the question now whether it will go viral or not, remains to be seen. He added that if it goes viral and the petition start getting in some quite large numbers, everything will happen from there.

Within his website, Bassett encourages web masters and social media people to put up links to the petition that state, 'Make it go mega-viral.'

The petition claims hundreds of officials have openly revealed human contact with alien life. It also remarks half of Americans take UFOs and extraterrestrials as real.

The people have a right to find out and the people can manage the reality, according to the petition.
The “We the People” program has a bunch of active request. The one with the most signatures, 51,000, requests to make marijuana legal and control it similar to alcoholic drink. Other viral petitions include requests to take away the Transportation SecurityAdministration and take a look at the federal prosecution of the ex-CEO of the nation's biggest Kosher meat processing center.

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