Top 10 Greatest Robots in Film

10. SAINT Number 5 from "Short Circuit" (1986) - A malfunction robot is struck by lighting and rejects its military programming and embraces humankind.

9. Termintor from "The Terminator" (1984) - On the flip side, the Terminator ruthlessly executes its orders, stopping at nothing to kill Sarah Conner (and, in later movies, her son John).
8. The Iron Giant from "Iron Giant" (1999) - The protective, metal-eating giant proved to be friend, not foe. It's also one of the few kid-friendly robots.7. The Stepford Wives from "The Stepford Wives" (1975 and 2004) - The beautiful, submissive wives are too perfect to be real -- because they aren't6. Sentinels from "The Matrix Revolutions" (2003) - Thousands of squid-like sentinels nearly destroy the last human city on Earth, Zion. Their design is unlike any robot seen on film before.5. Wall-E from "Wall-E" (2008) - Although he bears a similarity to SAINT from "Short Circuit" -- Wall-E develops a far more complex human trait -- love. He also saves humankind.4. Maria from "Metropolis" (1927) - One of the earliest female robots on film, Maria has been the source of inspiration for films ("Stepford Wives") and fashion (Beyonce, Lady Gaga, etc.)Optimus Prime from "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (2009) -- The noble, heroic leader of the Autobots also doubles as a Peterbilt 379 cab truck!Gort from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951 and 2008) - The giant, silent automoton is far more terrifying and destructive than either the Terminators or the SentinelsC3P0 and R2D2 from "Star Wars Episode V" (1980) - Our picks for the Greatest Robots in Film are actually a pair. C3P0 and R2D2 bring action and comic relief to the "Star Wars" franchise.
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