
It has long been ceased to be blonde to be just a a genetic thing. It is an attitude. The message that you’re sending to the world. Many smart blondes used deliberately widespread stereotypes about their stupidity. They love to be seen as inferior, airheaded women easy to handle, like to be underestimated, so that people get unpleasant surprise when blonde fight back. Must admit, it’s a good tactic. The birth of stupid stereotypes about blondes actually belongs to a brunette. A brief overview of the history of smart blonde women:

Cleopatra I Ptolemy

The famous Egyptian pharaoh was a natural blonde originally from Macedonia. Her father, Alexander’s general Ptolemy was blonde. Historians record that seductive skills she owed not to beauty but intelligence. Successfully ruled a large country. With skillful tactics she managed to seduce Caesar and Marko Anthony. She had excellent knkowledge in the mathematics, chemistry, literature and philosophy. Her knowledge of poisons was famous far and wide. Marko Anthony was so afraid of that talent so that even in the most intimate moments did not want to taste anything before tasters. On one occasion she poisoned the wine in her cup and told his lover to toast to their love. She took a first sip, so she forwarded it to her beloved. When Mark Antony wanted to drink, Cleopatra insisted that it first rehearsal taster. A few minutes later the poor man fell dead. Cleopatra had explained to terrified Anthony that the two were already drunk the antidote and the key thing in a relationship is trust, that he have to believe that she is so clever it can poison him whenever she wants.
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The famous Alexandria’s mathematician and philosopher Hypatia also was a blonde. About her works on mathematics and astronomy Photius wrote with great respect. She has acquired excellent education from her father Theonas, mathematician and astronomer. Hypatia taught at Alexandria, and among her students was the Synasius, Bishop of Ptolemais, which had left the notes in which he would like to thank his professor for the support she has offered to design a silver astrolabe and the hydrometer. Hypatia’s life had have brutally ended. In her time Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire, and this wise blonde was neoplatonic. Her philosophical views Christians had considered dangerous, so she was killed in 415.
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Eleanor of Aquitaine

Unlike many men and most women in those ages, Eleanor was a very educated. She read and spoke Latin, and well-known music and literature at the time when was considered quite sufficient that the girl knows how to do embroidery. She enjoyed horseback riding, falconry and hunting. She married Louis VII king of France. Eleanor decided to tame rude knights at the court of her husband. She gave the play humorous trials, where in the role of judges were ladies who were sitting in the stands and listen to the knights with long hair dressed in a flowing robe, to express admiration for the women, and royal rituals are performed. Her great love was the second husband Henry II founder of the English Plantagenet dynasty. She died at age of eighty. Both her sons were kings, and all the daughters were queens. Hence the nickname grandmother of Europe.
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Lucrezia Borgia

Illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander IV, she studied Latin and ancient Greek since early childhood, met with poetry, music and painting on porcelain. Her fantastic beauty harmoniously complemented with extensive knowledge and skill of conversation. Of course, Lucrezia was, in the spirit of their family tradition, excellent with poisons, but it would be unjustified to say that this knowledge is often used. Presumably, this woman was a best member of this diabolical family whose name puts fear into the nobles in Europe. Her blue ringlets in the history of the world’s most beautiful art were enrolled by Bartolomeo Veneto.
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Lou Salome

Born in St. Petersburg in 1861. from german father and Dane mother. This femme fatale have fascinated some of the greatest minds of that time. Lou even as a girl got a good education, a fundamental unusual for women of her time. Friedrich Nietzsche is not hiding delighted that it causes by Lou. She was his only love. Similarly thought also have and philosopher Paul Re, which has repeatedly offered a marriage. Rilke, blinded by love at the urging of her changing his name to Rainer. Leo Tolstoy and Sigmund Freud were her friends who loved to talk for hours with this intelligent blonde. Lou Salome wrote several collections of essays and novels, but her autobiography still inspires thousands of women around the world.
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Diane Sawyer

This platinum blonde is one of the most respected names in U.S. journalism. She has worked on several major television and was press secretary for Richard Nixon. Her show Good Morning America millions of people watching every day. When in 1994 signed a contract for the show Prime Time, Diane Sawyer signed herself to the list of highest paid television journalists. And it all started on a Miss junior contest which she won when she was 17 years. Yet, before she became a journalist she have graduated from literature.
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Sharon Stone

Miss Stone, a longtime member of Mensa, has an enviable high IQ, even 154. That puts her in the 0.7% most intelligent people in the planet. Her parents made sure their children get good education and be eligible for a better life. Mother Dorothy was a house cleaner, and father Joseph worked as a laborer. Sharon as a very talented student received a full scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania. Today she is an Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Maryland. Regardless of what people remember is the one challenging scene in the film Basic Instinct. Sharon is also one of the smartest in Hollywood. Her success is an excellent cash out.
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Jodie Foster

She had experienced fame as a three year old girl. Popularity have not destroyed her, as is often the case when children stars in question. She graduated from literature on Yale with great grades. Se speaks three languages: French, Italian and German. Her IQ is the 132. She is particularly interested in the history of religion.
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Lisa Kudrow

We all remember her as a strange and somewhat silly Phoebe from Friends of the cult series. She had several similar roles where she played a folded and stupid girl who does not cope well in life. But Lisa is an extremely intelligent woman, who before her acting career for eight years dealing with very important medical research. She graduated in biology at the University Vasar with stunning grades.
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Angela Merkel

German Chancellor has a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry and her scientific work, unlike her colleagues has not been prescribed. Angela was the best student in physical chemistry in Berlin and Leipzig. She met her husband in college, and he is physical chemistry . Angela speaks English and Russian. University of Jerusalem awarded her an honorary doctorate, and Forbes magazine named her twice the world’s most powerful woman in 2006 and 2009.
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