Best Homemade Beauty Tips to Look Great on a Budget!

Use these homemadebeauty tips to look great on a budget.
If you’re looking for ways to economize and save money, you should consider some of these money saving ideas.

Your hair, skin, and nails, still need attention, even in a down turned economy

red curls image

There are many everyday products you can scrimp on, while other products are more important so you may have to pay more for them. If you’ve had to cut back on spending like most people, these tips will really help you.
A great tip is to kick things off, is to really squeeze out all you can on the products you buy. The day of wasting stuff is long gone. To get by, turn products upside down to recover every tiny weeny little drop left.
Use these homemade beauty tips to help you look beautiful and save money!

Homemade Beauty Tips

  • Newly formed pimples can look unsightly. Instead of using a concealer, try rubbing a drop of Visine on the pimple. Wait 5 minutes and the redness should disappear.

  • Another tip for zits is to apply a green tea bag that's been soaked in water on them. Green tea has antibacterial and antifungal properties and works well when applied with a cotton ball.

  • Rub used coffee grounds on cellulite to diminish their appearance. Most cellulite creams are caffeine based.

  • Whip an egg white to use as a facial. Egg whites have been used for centuries as firming facial masks.

  • Use lemon or lime on your face to fade age spots. Do this every night before bed to fade them.

  • Hair looking frizzy today? Leave in conditioners work great to get rid of frizz, but if you don't have any, rub your hands over your hair several times during the day. The natural oils in your hands will transfer to your hair and help lay down fly away hairs.

  • Use fabric softener to smooth and soften your hair. If you buy undiluted fabric softener, be sure to dilute it. Suggestions: 1 cup water:1/2 cup fabric softener. Apply it to your hair just as you would hair conditioners. Rinse well.

  • Parsley is rich in chlorophyll. It is a leading ingredient in breath fresheners you buy, such as Clorets and Certs. Eating just a sprig of parsley after each meal helps to freshen your breath, and won’t cost you a lot.

  • Use lotions regularly to soften and hydrate your skin. This may seem obvious but use body lotion on your body and facial lotion on your face. Each one is specifically formulated for use on specific areas of your skin. Body lotions are typically too heavy for your face and face lotions are too light for your body.
    After the age of 20, you’ll need to use them daily to preserve your skin andreduce wrinkles.

  • Create your own shade of lipstick or lip gloss by combining two different colors.

  • Your nail polish will always be smooth and easy to apply it you store it in the refrigerator. Frosted nail polish will not separate when cold. However, if your nail polish does harden or get gummy, place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Your polish will be like new and your nails will look great!

  • A little bit of light colored lip gloss in the center of the both/either lips makes them appear fuller.

  • To make the whites of your eyes look brighter, use a light blue pencil under your eyes. Blue eye shadow lightly applied under your eyes works just as well.

  • Never color your hair on clean hair. Color your hair when it’s dirty instead. The natural hair oils in your hair will keep your hair from drying out as much. Color works much better on unclean, dry hair.

  • To get rid of puffy eyes, use fresh cucumber slices over them for at least 10 minutes.

  • For cellulite, scrub your skin with a soft natural boar’s hair bristle brush orloofah sponge. Brush in slow sweeps, always toward your heart. Brush your skin daily for at least five minutes.

  • Another tip for cellulite is to combine a cup of corn oil with 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice and 2 teaspoons dried thyme. Massage the mixture into your hips, thighs, and buttocks. Wrap your skin with plastic wrap to lock in body heat. For extra results lay a heating pad over each area for five minutes.

  • Use hemorrhoid creams or clay facial masks under your eyes to get rid ofpuffy eyes.

  • Oily roots can be a drag. If you don’t have a dry shampoo on hand, applywitch hazel on your roots. Apply using a cotton ball and allow them to dry naturally.

  • Add 30 plain aspirin to a full bottle of your regular shampoo to make your own dandruff shampoo. Shake well and allow to allow the aspirin to dissolve. Shampoo and rinse as usual.

  • To make you own facial mask, mix a handful of 100% all-natural kitty litter with a 1/2 cup water and apply as a face mask. Allow to dry and steam off your face with a warm/hot washcloth.

  • Need an emery board and can't find one? Use the strike plate on a book of matches instead.

  • Using Pepto-Bismal® on your skin is a better facial than peel off masks.

  • Washing your face in very cold water helps to close large pores.

  • Use plain lemon juice to minimize skin discolorations on your face. This must be done everyday to be effective though.
    Use these homemade beauty tips to get you through this tough time. You can't always get all the products you want to buy, but you can save some money by not buying what you don't need.
    This site is full of other homemade beauty tips and money saving tips. If you'd like to know more ways to save money at home, look into going green

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