$99 HTC Flyer: fire sale or Best Buy goof up?

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The HTC Flyer, which debuted a scant five months ago for $500, is now priced at $99 on Best Buy’s website. This is the 7-inch tablet’s second price drop in a week at Best Buy, possibly indicating the store, the manufacturer, or both are desperate to get sales moving.
The HTC Flyer was released back in May to decent reviews, though its $500 price tag and $80 stylus were off-putting to buyers, especially given its diminutive 7-inch screen and single-core processor. Last week, Best Buylowered the price of the entry-level 16GB WiFi Flyer to $299, a move that appears to not have had the effect that the company was hoping for. $299 is now quoted as the “regular price” on its Best Buy page.
Since Amazon’s $199 Kindle Fire was announced on September 28, it has been like someone pulled out the stopper on tablet prices. After clinging so long to the $500 price mark set by Apple’s iPad, tablets prices have begun spiraling downward, from HP’s $99 TouchPad (though its sales were motivated by a general lack of success) and the BlackBerry PlayBook.
The Kindle Fire still won’t be out for over a month, but its announcement hasn't given manufacturers much time to respond. Price cuts, as much as they inspire doubt about the quality of a product, are sometimes the best companies can do.
Update: Ars has received a report (and seen in the comments) that Best is claiming the $99 price was an error, and will not honor the relevant orders. The tablet is still available on Best Buy's website for $299. We are in communication with a Best Buy representative and will update with the company's comments if they become available.

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